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Functional diversities within neurons and astrocytes in the adult rat auditory cortex revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing

The cells of the mammalian cerebral cortex are organized into networks that rely on a wide range of cellular and functional diversity to carry out sophisticated cognitive functions.

Here we used single-nucleus RNA sequencing in the auditory cortex of the adult rat to provide a transcriptomic foundation for understanding the cellular and functional physiological substrates of higher-level cognitive processing in rats. Rats are well-known for their natural curiosity and intelligence, and possess an enormous behavioral literature, in particular for studies in memory, cognition, and complex behavior.

A variety of unique excitatory and inhibitory neuron types were identified. In addition, we report for the first time a diversity of astrocytes in the auditory cortex that may represent functionally unique subtypes. Together, these results pave the way for building models of how neurons in the sensory cortex work in concert with astrocytes at synapses to fulfill high-cognitive functions like learning and memory.

The paper pre-print can be found here: Functional diversities within neurons and astrocytes in the adult rat auditory cortex revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing

"The Evercode assay's remarkable sensitivity in gene detection was critical for advancing our research."

-Aysegul Gungor Aydin, PhD, Rutgers University

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