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"The ability to store fixed frozen cells greatly simplified our time course experiment."
"The Evercode assay's remarkable sensitivity in gene detection was critical for advancing our research."
"Fixing and freezing samples was crucial to our study."
"Evercode's sensitivity provided us novel insights into neuronal changes following chronic stress."
"Evercode TCR's simple protocols and impressive throughput allowed us to make new discoveries about T cell responses to metastatic cancers."
"Evercode is great for time course experiments, the batch effect nightmares disappear."
"The Evercode protocol was so clear and specific that it is impossible to mess up."
"We were able to perform high-quality and cost-effective single-cell RNA-sequencing with the Evercode kit"
"One assay works with all our samples, no matter the size."
"48 samples, across 6 conditions, in 1 experiment with important implications."